
Author: admin

Amish child (boy) and cat, portrait on farm, Lancaster, PA ©Blair Seitz

Photographing the Amish with Respect: Genuine Snapshots of Tradition

The question I am asked most often when I talk about photographing the Amish is, “Isn’t it true that Amish do not want their pictures taken?” This is correct—they do not pose for photos because of the Bible verse, “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” (Exodus 20: 4-5).  But I find that in…
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Aerial photos are wall decor at Geisinger hospital in Pennsylvania

Fine Art Photography Makes Great Décor

Photography has greatly evolved since the 1950s. Unlike today’s millions of pixels per image, the first pixel pictures produced by Russell Kirsch only had 176 pixels across the entire image. Along with photography, technology has greatly evolved. Smartphones have revolutionized the photography industry, especially fine art photography, as we know it. Digital photography, particularly the…
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Capturing Brilliant Bird Photos in Costa Rica

When I was 12 years old I carried binoculars out our long gravel lane bounded by woods on both sides. I found birds—downy woodpeckers, cardinals, titmouse, chickadees. Since then I’ve enjoyed birds, but, alas, have not felt that I’ve had time to wait to photograph them. Until, that was, I had shoulder surgery. This required…
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Get Unforgettable Results by Backlighting Landscape Photography

Do you want your landscape photos to appear 3D? Do you want the greens of your grasslands to be richer? Have you tried backlighting landscape photography? The way to go is to scrap the conventional “from over the shoulder” lighting and find landscapes which have the sunlight coming from behind the vista. As I look…
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Techniques for Outstanding Close-up Photography

Our aim in close-up photography is to make pictures so that the subjects are not confused with a busy background. We want the floral butterfly or bird to stand out from the background. The delineation from the background will help make the photograph artistically pleasing. For our purposes, the science of the flower’s stem and…
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How to Capture Stunning Fireworks Photos

July 4th is a great time to make candid photographs of people. The community is usually preoccupied with enjoying food, the company of friends, and relaxation while waiting for the big event – and the chance to capture stunning fireworks photos. I revel in walking among groups and making photos of odd arrangements, unusual expressions,…
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